Air Traffic Companions w/ Heidi Huebner

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Therapy Dogs Are Bringing Comfort To The Airport

About The Episode

Growing up in Missouri, Heidi Huebner was known amongst her family and friend group as the animal rescuer. Even as a child and into her early adult years, Heidi was picking up strays and rehoming them. When she was finally able to settle down, Heidi became a dog parent of her own and participated in various fostering programs.

When Heidi finally had her own first dogs as an adult, Chowsy the chow and Chopper the Shepherd mix, they naturally would go up to people and get along well with anyone. When Heidi was told that she should bring these dogs into a nursing home because of how great their temperament was, it planted the first seed for doing therapy dog work together. This was only the beginning of not only helping out with her own dogs, but in creating therapy programs for different organizations.

When hired by the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to revamp their volunteer program. Heidi brought the idea up to her boss that one day dogs could be brought in, but it wasn’t until a few years later that it actually received consideration. The airport was trying to figure out how to improve customer service, and Heidi suggested bringing therapy dogs. With her background, she volunteered to make a presentation to explain how this would be implemented. It was approved and welcomed with open arms. In 2013, the Pets Unstressing Passengers (PUPs) program began.

With PUPs, certified therapy dogs wear a “pet me” vest to invite passengers to interact with them in hopes of providing comfort and relief in what can often be a stressful and anxious day. Along with their human volunteer counterparts, they visit the departure levels in the gate areas of each terminal to encourage travelers to slow down, recenter, and take a moment for themselves and to chat with others. Volunteers can also answer questions and share information about the airport to ease the passengers’ experience. And to put the cherry on top, volunteers hand out trading cards of each dog for people to remember the dogs they interact with and even keep up with them on social media later.

Heidi has noticed how much it’s changed the atmosphere in the terminals. People’s shoulders drop, their blood pressure lowers, and strangers even bond together over their shared love of dogs. Even the airport employees love the dogs and connect with them in a strong way.

The path of being a therapy dog is based on temperament and personality, and is not for every dog. However, Heidi’s current canine companions – Chubbs, a pug, and Chance, a Shepherd-Husky mix – are indeed therapy dogs in the PUPs program. Whenever Heidi’s red work shirt comes out, they know it’s time to go to work and to give their love to each traveler they encounter. Having them be a part of the program makes it even more special of an experience.

While Heidi remains in Los Angeles, LAX isn’t the only place where you can stumble upon a therapy dog while flying. The program has been implemented into nearly 100 other airports across the country, with Heidi’s help, each in their own custom way. It’s only a matter of time before every city and every terminal has a friendly furry face waiting for you. Most people would probably agree that it sure does make the world a better place – or at least airports.

About The Guest - Heidi Huebner

Heidi Huebner is the Founder and Director of the Pets Unstressing Passengers (PUPs) program at LAX. The Kansas City native turned LA local originally studied acting at Chapman University, but through years of therapy dog work, she was inspired to establish a program of her own. Today, her work is making an impact in 90 airports and counting across the USA.

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